Triad of Stones TS18

Triad of Stones TS18 features three complementary tall pointy standing stones for arrangement in a landscaping project. Ideally suited to a contemporary or Japanese themed setting, these slender obelisks of real slate will bring subtle texture to any outdoor space. Not too heavy and can easily be moved by one person. Free UK Delivery.

  • Slate Standing Stones
  • Ideal for a Japanese Style Garden


1 in stock






Decorative Stone, Standing Stone

More Info

Triad of Stones TS18 are long thin cuts of real slate with a sawn base. These could be installed in a solid concrete base for stability but it’s not essential. Triads of stones are perfect for adding simple organic textures and depth to Japanese or modern garden designs. This set of monoliths consists of three varied sizes which compliment each other. These have been placed in descending order but could also have the larger piece in the centre with the smaller monoliths placed either side. These are relatively thin so could easily be cut if required. A design tip would be to use these monoliths to act as a boundary or as a transition between zones or areas in a garden design. Relatively easy to manouver as a one man lift. The varying lenghts attract interest and act as a focal point. Lighting these slate monoliths will make a real impact in the evening. Triad of stones TS18 can have many different meanings in mythology and folklore and are often used to symbolise the balance between body, mind and spirit alternatively a connection between earth, sky and sea. An alternative option to Triad of Stones TS18 is Triad of Stones TS15 with larger chunkier monoliths. For more ideas and design tips have a look at this article online which gives a clear insight into the core principles. We can cut these to any size you require and have approximately 20 of these in stock at variying lengths. Bulk discount is available as quite a few of these will fit onto a single pallet for delivery. Clients have also used these successfully as edging borders or planting areas. Consider adding some chunky slate steps or bridges to complete your garden design. If you have any queries then please contact us now.


1 = 770mm high x 110mm wide x 90mm thick

2 = 600mm x 120mm x 80mm

3 = 400mm x 90mm x 90mm

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