New XXL Slate Monoliths
Exciting New Stock
We’re proud to announce two new XXL Slate Monoliths have joined the Welsh Slate Water Features collection! These two enormous standing stones are in wonderful proportion with both showcasing the very best detailing and texture to be found in this wonderful natural stone from Wales. Reminiscent of stones found at historic sites across the UK, these two beautiful pieces will invoke deeper connections with nature, time and heritage when sited in their forever gardens.
Sourcing a naturally weathered piece of slate in this shape and size is incredibly rare and this example is sure to be the focal point of the landscaping project it becomes a part of. One of the most exciting standing stones we’ve ever had in stock, SM109 is also core drilled for use as a water feature within a garden design.

Slate monolith SM110 is slimmer and slightly taller than SM109, and dare we say it a little more elegant and subtle in appearance and effect. Again the natural texture and detailing of Welsh Slate is really noticeable on this piece and it’s sure to be the talking point in any garden or commercial setting.

Buy Standing Stones UK
If you love the look of our new XXL slate monoliths but need something a bit smaller check out our extensive range of hand selected pieces! Every stone is chosen and finished by hand in the UK, as well as being ethically sourced from quarries in England and Wales. Stone Monoliths are available in a huge range of styles and sizes. In addition to our core Welsh Slate products, we also stock monoliths in Portland Stone, Purbeck Stone and Granite which means there is a colour, size and texture to suit every garden design from small to large, traditional to contemporary.