How To Choose a Water Reservoir
Choosing the right reservoir is a key part of achieving a successful garden water feature installation. In this post we look at the different types of reservoir available and the right applications for each. Granted, this is not the most exciting topic in the world but for anyone considering installing a water feature in their garden there are some key points to understand and remember!

Small Round Reservoir
Perfect for gardens which are restricted on space or where there are larger obstacles or tree roots which cannot be removed. At just 450mm diameter, this is best suited for small rounded boulders which are approximately up to 350mm diameter leaving enough space around the edge to catch and recycling the running water. There is no access hatch cut out of the lid in this design as the weight of the stone on top would be considered light weight and easy to move if access to the pump was required. A large centre hole allows a wide range of hoses to pass through and a series of smaller holes allow water to run through and drop into the tank below, ready to be recirculated by the pump.
- External Diameter 44cm / 440mm
- Internal Diameter 40cm / 400mm
- Depth 30cm / 300mm
- Lid Diameter 45cm / 450mm
- Capacity 30 litres
- Black
- Lightweight Design
- Easy to install
- Easy to move
- Ideally suited to small gardens
- Single bag of slate chippings to cover lid
- Only smaller stones can fit
- No access hatch
- Requires more frequent topping up with water

Medium Round Reservoir
Ideally suited to gardens restricted on space which will fit slightly larger water features than the small reservoir above. Measuring 650mm diameter this will take stones which are approximately up to 600mm diameter and fairly low level in height. A very sturdy durable design with areas for backfill of material to make this stable and secure.
- External Diameter 65cm / 650mm
- Bottom Diameter 50cm / 500mm
- Depth 30cm / 300mm
- Weight 5kg
- Capacity 35 litres
- Black
- Easy to install
- Made from 100% recycled plastic
- Access hatch for pump
- Single bag of slate chippings to cover lid
- Restricted to smaller Water Feature designs
- Requires more frequent topping up with water

Large Round Reservoir
Suitable for a large majority of water feature designs this is easily our best seller. Measuring slightly under 1metre diameter at 980mm at the lip edge. Similar to the smaller 650mm above but scaled up and deceptively strong. The unique design with three strong triangular supports in the middle spread the weight above evenly out across the structure. The gaps underneath allow for material to be backfilled or concreted to support larger structures up to 1 tonne in weight. A larger access hatch allows easy access and larger more powerful pumps to be easily removed if required. Drain holes allow water to easily cascade down and through to the base. Normally dug down and sunk into the ground and finished with slate chippings or pebbles around the lid to blend seamlessly. Two bags of slate chippings are required to cover the lid. These can also be stood proud on a patio or deck area and pots and plants placed around the edge to hide the reservoir.
- External Diameter 98cm / 980mm
- Bottom Diameter 82cm / 820mm
- Depth 30cm / 300mm
- Weight 11kg
- Capacity 90 litres
- Black
- Easy to install
- Made from 100% recycled plastic
- Access hatch for pump
- Larger dig out required
- Difficult to fit in smaller gardens

Large Square Reservoir
Designed as an ‘add on’ to the Finia 1000 Reservoir, this square top extends the catchment area out to 1375mm square. It sits directly on top of the Finia 1000 and comes with an integrated lid which is built as part of the mould and has a slightly larger removable hatch which allows easy access to the pump underneath. This will need supporting underneath so normal installation is for the Finia 1000 to be dug and sunk into the ground and then a square cut out at 375mm from the edge of the reservoir and 20mm of surface scraped back to allow the square frame to sit on top. Creating a slight slope inwards to the centre will ensure all water is recycled although there is a large lip designed to prevent water spilling over the barrier.
- Depth 2cm / 20mm totalling 32cm / 320mm when placed on top of Finia 1000
- External 137.5cm / 1375mm square
- Capacity n/a
- Black
- Easy to install
- Made from 100% recycled plastic
- Access hatch for pump
- Larger dig out required
- Difficult to fit in smaller gardens